Metro Pharmacy

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Quels sont les services de Metro Pharmacy à Toronto ?


Que pensez-vous de Metro Pharmacy (Toronto) ?

Steve D.,theDir
  • par Steve D.
  • |
  • 15th December, 2017

Recommandez-vous Metro Pharmacy ce Pharmacie à Toronto ?

This pharmacy is a really great place to go to! They are very friendly and help out their customers with very good attitude! I have never had a problem while going here to fill any scripts and they are extremely fast at filling your script while you wait. I have only waited for 10minutes at most, everytime i have gone there to fill any script. I have been to many pharmacies in the past but not 1 of them ever was a nice and as professional as this one, and not even nearly as fast as this place either! I strongly suggest this place to go to!

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