Yue Hwa Interiors & Gifts

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Quels sont les services de Yue Hwa Interiors & Gifts à Richmond Hill ?

Que pensez-vous de Yue Hwa Interiors & Gifts (Richmond Hill) ?

Alice C.,theDir
  • par Alice C.
  • |
  • 1st October, 2020

Recommandez-vous Yue Hwa Interiors & Gifts ce Ammeublement à Richmond Hill ?

It was a pleasant experience to explore the shop. Lots of items to see. Antiques items were beautiful and jewelries were one of a kind finds. Pricing was reasonable. Staffs were friendly. Highly recommended.

  • par Pagan
  • |
  • 16th May, 2016

Que pensez-vous des services de Yue Hwa Interiors & Gifts ce Ammeublement à Richmond Hill ?

They specialise in oriental furniture and accessories from rosewood to flower pots. The business is operated by a family that are friendly and hospitable. Prices for decorative items are very reasonable.

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