Newell Furniture

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Quels sont les services de Newell Furniture à Montréal ?


Que pensez-vous de Newell Furniture (Montréal) ?

Yuki C.,theDir
  • par Yuki C.
  • |
  • 22nd September, 2015

Recommandez-vous Newell Furniture ce Ammeublement à Montréal ?

I live in a condo in Toronto and the elevator booking rules are quite strict, so I had to order everything from the same store so that I only need to book the elevator once. Decided to buy from an online store since it's so much cheaper, but wasn't sure what to expect as this is my first time doing so. I estimated how the furniture would look like in my condo by putting paper cut to the furniture's size on my floor, and hoped for the best. The furniture came in about a week after ordering, and the delivery company called me in advance to confirm the date and set up a time. All in all really pleased, the quality is excellent (especially for the price!!) and my friends keep asking me where I bought them. One even said my place looks like a model condo! Two thumbs up - keep up the great work!

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