Ahmed G Dr

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  • 3.5 13 ratings

What are Ahmed G Dr 's services in Niagara Falls ?

What do you think about Ahmed G Dr (Niagara Falls) ?

Ahmed C.,theDir
  • by Ahmed C.
  • |
  • 12th September, 2018

Will you recommend Ahmed G Dr a Doctor in Niagara Falls ?

Willing to help, patient, doesn't mince words, confident, super-kind. Wonderful new staff. In-demand, had to wait a bit to get on his list.

Bob D.,theDir
  • by Bob D.
  • |
  • 22nd March, 2019

What do you think about Ahmed G Dr a Doctor services provided in Niagara Falls ?

Great friendly physician and staff. Good llocation with adequate parking spaces.

Rodney S.,theDir
  • by Rodney S.
  • |
  • 2nd April, 2021

Did you like your visit with Ahmed G Dr a Doctor in Niagara Falls ?

Fantastic doctor I had no idea what was wrong with me and

Will O.,theDir
  • by Will O.
  • |
  • 24th June, 2017

How did Ahmed G Dr this Doctor served you in Niagara Falls ?

Been going to Dr. G. Ahmed for the last 4 years, he has been helpful with my medical conditions. He is a doctor that came from the USA around 5 years ago. His office is usually busy, but great with making an appointment if you need to see him. He tried to prescribe my dad statins which he doesn't need, but that's what doctors were taught to do, simply lower your bad cholesterol by changing your diet/seeing a nutritionist.

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