Quels sont les services de Studio 4 Athletics à Victoria ?
Que pensez-vous de Studio 4 Athletics (Victoria) ?
- par blgrange
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- 6th May, 2021
Recommandez-vous Studio 4 Athletics ce Gym à Victoria ?
The only reason I go to they gym is because this is my gym. Which gym matters and studio 4 delivers.
- par Chris
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- 7th January, 2021
Que pensez-vous des services de Studio 4 Athletics ce Gym à Victoria ?
Great atmosphere. My favorite gym in Victoria. Although, they're not very good at restricting the number of people inside during covid times
- par Connie R.
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- 18th April, 2021
Avez-vous aimé votre visite de Studio 4 Athletics ce Gym à Victoria ?
Everyone is welcoming and knows what they are doing! A great gym to learn and get stronger at! Seriously the best. They also take protocols seriously so that we can all be safe and get our work out on!
- par Stefano T.
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- 3rd April, 2021
Comment Studio 4 Athletics ce Gym vous à servi à Victoria ?
Best gym in town for all the right reasons.