Quels sont les services de Pitou Minou & Compagnons à Montréal ?
Soyez assuré que peu importe le produit alimentaire que vous trouverez chez nous, celui-ci contiendra seulement des aliments sains et naturels.
Que pensez-vous de Pitou Minou & Compagnons (Montréal) ?
- par Christopher R.
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- 15th July, 2020
Recommandez-vous Pitou Minou & Compagnons ce Animalerie à Montréal ?
These people are simply amazing. I had a cat pass away recently and her brother got all fussy about his food. I had to try several different products before I found what worked. During this the staff helped me find what I needed. Answered my questions and were extremely helpful . Bottom line is they cared. If you need a place to make your pet happy and healthy you do not have to look any further.
- par M B.
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- 9th August, 2020
Que pensez-vous des services de Pitou Minou & Compagnons ce Animalerie à Montréal ?
Always professional, clean, and they carry special products for cats with allergies.
- par Maey
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- 24th July, 2020
Avez-vous aimé votre visite de Pitou Minou & Compagnons ce Animalerie à Montréal ?
Liberal return policy and a lot of stuff packed into a small space. Kind and attentive staff. These guys gave me pet food when I was fostering cats!
- par Marvin C.
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- 14th July, 2020
Comment Pitou Minou & Compagnons ce Animalerie vous à servi à Montréal ?
Employers are kind and knowledgeable. They also have a larger variety of pet food .
- par The D.
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- 23rd January, 2018
Que pouvez-vous nous dire à propos des services de Animalerie offert à Montréal par Pitou Minou & Compagnons ?
Very friendly and knowledgeable staff, big selection and good prices. Have gone many times.